
We offer:

Yoga Thai Massage  ( Nuad )  as treatment and wellness

Ayurvedic Massage: Abhyangam, Shirodhara, Kativasti  . Takradhara .


A full body massage , where your body is wraped in finest quality cold – pressed seasame oil followed by smooth gentle movements to rub the oil deeply into the body. This massage is nourshing , pacifies are doshas , relieves  fatique , provides stamina and perfect sleep . Enhances the complexion and the lustre of the skin , promotes longevity and nourshes all parts of the body . 


An ancient therapy that feature the steady streaming of warm , fragrant oil on the ( third eye ) , on the forehead followed by  an scalp massage . It leaves you relaxed and vitalized . The aim is to harness the flow of energy around your body . For a overall rejuvenation it can be combined with a body massage .


A treatment ideal for lower back problems , warm medicated oil is kept over the lower back with herbal paste boundary , this promotes a -feeling of relaxation and tranquility .


Medicated buttermilk (ghee) dripping on the forehead .